Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Day 1 - Yin Yang Clementine
Here's how it all began:
I saw this book online called 365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life! in which the author had made a skull everyday for a year. He made everything from a skull out of snow, to a skull sushi roll, using whatever materials he had in the duration of that year. The book poses a challenge - choose a consistent subject or medium to work with and create a piece of art every single day for an entire year. Being someone who is not likely to turn down a challenge, I decided to take it on. I had heard of people doing this before, like the woman who cooked her way through Julia Child's cookbook, mainly because they made it into a movie - Julia & Julia (2009).
Now that I decided to take on the challenge, I needed a consistent subject to work with - obviously I chose the Yin Yang. In Chinese philosophy, the concept of the "yin-yang" is used to describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world; and, how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another (Wikipedia - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yin_and_yang). The Yin Yang is an indivisible whole. Yin and yang are actually complementary, not opposing, forces, interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part; in effect, a dynamic system. Similar to how light and dark interact, there wouldn't be a shadow if there wasn't light. Similar concepts to light and dark are fire and ice, male and female, hot and cold, life and death, etc....
For some reason, I have always been drawn towards the Yin Yang symbol, not only for its asthetic qualities, but for its meaning. I was born on June 1st, which makes me a Gemini. I'm not really sure if I believe all the astrological definitions and projections that are given to zodiac signs, however, Gemini is known for its duality which I believe is a good representation of myself. Gemini, the sign of twins, is dual-natured, elusive, complex and contradictory. On the one hand it produces the virtue of versatility, and on the other hand the vices of two-facedness and flightiness.
According to Astrology Online (www.astrology-online.com/gemini.htm):
"They take up new activities enthusiastically but lack application, constantly needing new interests, flitting from project to project as apparently purposelessly as a butterfly dancing from flower to flower. To them life is a game which must always be full of fresh moves and continuous entertainment, free of labor and routine. Changing horses in the middle of the stream is another small quirk in the Gemini personality which makes decision making, and sticking to a decision, particularly hard for them."
I think that describes me to a T. I am always taking up new projects, interests, hobbies, etc.. (including this one) until it becomes overwhelming. I get really into something and almost become obsessed with it until a new obsession comes along. I've been told I have a very complex personality, having layers much like an onion. Some of my personality traits are very contradictory. Depending on my mood, I'm either really chatty or extremely quiet and introverted. I enjoy a lot of different things, yet things tend to become a sensory overload at times. Anyways, needless to say, people have also told me I'm somewhat of an enigma. I'm the quintisential gemini with extreme dualities in my persona.
Therefore, I find the Yin Yang very fitting for me. Plus I think it is easy enough to work with while still keeping me interested in it. I've started this blog to keep track of my work from day 1 to day 365. Hope you enjoy!
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